About me

Hello! My name is Jackson and I'm a freelance web developer. I absolutely love working with anything that involves website development and design.

I graduated Magna Cum Laude from East Tennessee State University with a degree in Computer Science and a concentration in Information Technology. While at school I was on the dean's list 6 times and also acted as the Vice President for the Men's Soccer Club.

I have experience as an IT Tech in Greeneville, TN. I mainly respond to user problems via the phone, in person, or on-line to answer questions or resolve problems on PCs including software applications, systems integration, or individual hardware problems. I also install, configure, and test new servers for systems, fax, printers, etc. Lastly, I provide support/repair for and help administer the phone system, copiers, printers, PCs, or laptops.

My passion has always been web development and design. I can remember myself taking a media and web development/design class in high school and I knew right then and there that this is what I wanted to do eventually. I even took various classes that involved me using Photoshop throughout high school and college.

Whether you need to tweak your small business' website or you're looking for a brand new one, I'm here to help.

Fill out the form to get in touch with me.